Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Obsession with Recipes

Ok, so I honestly do have an obsession. I cannot stop finding recipes and saving them. Seriously. From websites, blogs, magazines, my textbook. I have them all saved to various files - from a binder, about 3 to 4 files on my computer, and individually to the notes app on my iPad. I cannot even tell you how many I have. I wish I had the time to try them all. Hopefully one day I will. But my new obsessiveness with recipe finding is with I love her humor and how perfect she sets you up before she makes whatever wonderful thing she is baking that day. I cannot stop going through her archives to save things from appetizers all the way down to desserts (a lot of desserts! it's my weakness and why I am where I am!) I need to get to a kitchen soon and just pass the hours by by baking every recipe I have found from this woman haha. I think this has gotten out of hand!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wedding Cakes

Chef Kathy Pastiu came today from Cape May, one of Chef Stetchers friends who she used to work with. She showed us how to marble fondant and use molds and things with fondant to make different shapes to put on cakes. She didn't really make a traditional cake, but just showed us different techniques. It was pretty good and I liked her a lot. Just another demo that wants me to make wedding cakes more and more. Maybe I should have taken up my sisters offer to make her wedding cake, but I think that is a stress I just won't want come August. 
Truth is, Wedding Cakes are the one thing I would love to master. I love the idea of just making the one thing to complete a couples perfect day. They're also what got me to want to get into this business. Don't get me wrong, I love every aspect of it, but cakes are what I love to do, even if I'm not that good at them. Practice Makes Perfect though, right?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Making cake and eating it too.

Here we go. Time to start the blog. I'm on my way through Culinary school at The Restaurant School in Philadelphia to become a pastry chef. I'm going to try my best to not only post what I make here, but everything else I make in between too. Hopefully this will be not only entertaining, but helpful in the end too. :)